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Hey y’all!
My name is Allie, and I’m the face behind all the happenings here at Simply Living Mama. I’m a fun-loving girl mama to two precious girls, Josie (my youngest) and Heidi (my oldest), and my own journey to living a healthier lifestyle with less toxins began when Heidi was just a baby. You see, she wasn’t your typical happy baby. My sweet girl had a slew of health concerns, including food allergies and severe eczema, and she would cry all day every day. She was a hot mess, and I was at a loss for why. After countless appointments with pediatricians, allergists, and gastrointestinal specialists we weren’t left with a single answer. I was completely heartbroken for her, and that’s when I knew I was going to have to figure this out on my own. Because her eczema was so severe, I first started by investigating the products and materials I was putting onto Heidi’s skin. My first stop was our laundry detergent, and I vividly recall this being my lightbulb moment!
Once I dove into researching the ingredients of the products we were using I was awe-struck. I honestly thought we were living the healthiest life we could, and I was devastated to find out that wasn’t actually the case! As I continued to learn more about the environmental toxins that surrounded us, I made more and more changes to our lifestyle. I ditched the toxic products as we could afford to, and as I did Heidi began to heal. My daughter was healing right before my eyes, y’all. The next effect is something that I didn’t really expect. Other people started to notice the healing our family was experiencing, and so Simply Living Mama was born. I love helping people from all walks of life reduce their exposures to environmental toxins, but I particularly enjoy helping women. I want women to know that they aren’t alone in this, and that I’m here to help support them.
When I’m not reading ingredient labels or putting together content for our communities, you’ll usually find me exploring the outdoors with my girls. I have loved the outdoors for as long as I can remember, and thankfully found myself a partner who feels the same! I feel so blessed to do life with my husband, Brent, by my side.
Simply put: I’m here to help guide you through the journey to living a healthier lifestyle, and I do it through product and ingredient reviews, and sharing about products/brands that I truly love. You’ll find simple posts (because let’s be honest, I’m a busy mama!) that will help you better understand the toxins around you and safe alternatives within our FB community. On my Instagram, I keep it super simple and just share my life! I couldn’t do this work without my family, and I’m so happy you’re taking the next step to simply living.